HASARD ENSEMBLE - The twinning
Hasard Ensemble is the name of the twinning project between the italian company Barbe à Papa Teatro and the french company De l'âme à la vague. In 2022, the companies met each others at the Festival Off Avignon, at the L'Atelier 44 theatre, which was hosting the shows Il coro di Babele (Babel's choir) and Lettre aux paysans. This first meeting, which happened by chance, was decisive in launching a path that led to the twinning project in 2023, signed by the Sousse Manifesto, a manifesto of intentions named after the Tunisian town where it was written in October 2023.
In 2024, De l'âme à la vague will be present in Sicily and, in the summer, the companies will meet again each others at the Festival Off Avignon.
A three-year project Fiumi dello stesso mare / Rivières de la même mer (rivers of the same sea) is in the pipeline, this project sees a territorial exchange between the companies with a view to shared creation. In May 2025, Il coro di Babele (Babel's choir) will be staged in Saint-Étienne and Rive-de-Gier.
Because the sound of the waves will always lull our consciences.
Because theatre and the sea are synonymous.
Because our words, our voices and our bodies are to the theatre what waves are to the sea.
Because one day in Avignon we realised that our meeting was no accident.
Because theatre is one of the best ways, if not the best, to try to care for a world in need of universal understanding.
Because we recognised and recognised each other in the common conviction that art and theatre are our form of resistance in this world, strong but not violent, sweet and light like candyfloss, we recognised and recognised each other as welcoming and passionate human beings, souls of the same sea, in the desire to fight with the strength of a wave and the sweetness of sugar.
Because we believe in world unity, and we know that the Mediterranean Sea is one of its most faithful ambassadors.
Because wherever we are on Earth, our rivers flow into the same sea.
Because we are all rivers of the same sea.
Because the sea is unique, each wave is different.
Because Tunisia was to be the country that would bring us together and reunite us, we who come from France and Italy, from Sicily and the Loire, from Saint-Étienne and Palermo, Rome, Catania, Valencia, Ferrara, Partinico.
We Chiara, Claudio, Federica, Grégory, Nathan, Roberta and Totò
We declare that our respective companies,Barbe à Papa Theatre and De l'âme à la vague,
are twinned, with the sea and the sound of its waves as witnesses,
We declare our conviction to create together and let theatre make us even closer and closer.
With all our gratitude to the Mediterranean Sea.
In Sousse,
Sunday 8 October 2023